"All About Me" Birthday Party
November 19, 2005 - the party
The party was perfect.
Everything was better than I could have imagined and planned.
The office was set up perfectly for a party. We had a sofa, two benches and lots of chairs. No musical chairs necessary.
Many of my friends came. I felt so loved.
They brought tons of food and drinks. Nathan, my sister's boyfriend, made awesome vodka tonics (my favorite).
Music was so good. Donna burnt me a great four-hour cd which I got to keep! Bonus.
I was looking exceptionally good that night. Good hair night. A simple, elegant black dress. Cool fish-net stockings and my birthday heels (I wore them last year on my birthday too). Yes, I was HOT. Yeah!!! Not bad for a "27 year-old " (I'm sticking to that story).
In addition to celebrating my birthday I was also launching my photography career. I had a slideshow of my photographs projected on a big white screen. It was in front of the food table so everyone had to see it over and over and over again. It worked cause all through the night everyone gave such positive feedback. I felt so supported.
Yes it was a good birthday. The way I like it: a group of my friends, chilling with me, eating good food and having yummy drinks.

yay, you go girlfriend!
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