Wednesday, May 23, 2007

From Knitting to Sewing

Summer is hard to do knitting so I've decided to take up sewing.
I started my 4-session Sewing: Skirt course at Make Workshop (
Basic class with a goal.

As some of you know I live in skirts and dresses year round. But paying a lot of money for one that's simple and plain makes me mad. I just bought a jersey dress from Old Navy for $25 that I could have made in the color and fit I want.

I've been wanting to learn and do it for a very long time. I even took an old, old sewing machine from my last job believing I would get it fixed and teach myself to sew! Sadly the machine would have cost more to repair than purchasing a new one (which I did at Target for less than $100). Also I have to admit that when visiting my amazingly talented friend Nam at her apartment surrounded by fabrics and beautiful bags that she creates, I was a little envious. I've sewed before but very basic like hemming jeans. Jeans are forgiving.

Now I'm not naive. I know making your own clothes like knitting your own sweater isn't cheap. Heck it's probably gonna cost same if not more. But I don't think I would mind if it's what I want in color/pattern, style and fit. Wouldn't you agree?

Of course there is a good possibility that like my knitting this hobby would lose momentum. That's okay. I will be just as happy using my new sewing machine and skills I've learned in class to hem pants. That would be worth all the cost.

More to come...


Blogger hshere said...

cool! i was actually looking at their website the other day. i had never heard of it before. can't wait to see your pieces.

4:55 AM  

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