Thursday, March 02, 2006

Will I work again? If so, when?

So today I get a call from the Dennis' company about another round of interviews.
Oh my God.
I've already had six interviews and thought the last one was it. I was wrong.
I was informed that this is the final round and I'll be meeting more than one person.
It's totally exhausted.

For those who don't know, I applied to three of my friends' companies. All investment companies.
The first two didn't want me because they thought I was over-qualified for the administrative position I applied for. Truthfully I was but come on, I wanted an easy job. Guess they didn't agree. I went to Dennis' company expecting them to reject me as well. Fortunately for me, the HR person heard my qualifications and directed me to another position that just came up. It was like fate. The position is very much like what I've been doing for the past six years. It's very managerial and multitasking. At first I was worried that it would be too much like my previous jobs but then realized that I rather be challenged than bored. Besides this time I would be well supported with other people around me and be paid well for it. Good factors. I liked the company a lot. I especially love the fact that they encourage employees to volunteer and get involved.

I was warned by Dennis that the hiring process was a long one. He had about 12 interviews. Yikes. I thought six was tough. But I think being this far it's a very good sign that I'll probably get it unless I do something really stupid like show up to the interview drunk. Therefore, it will be all worth it in the end.

Wish me luck.
Pray for me.
Support me by buying me dinner. =)


Blogger hshere said...

Kick butt Cindy!

4:32 PM  
Blogger jennyinla said...

I'd buy you dinner, but I'll have to do it telegraphically. Anything you want, it's on me. :)

Good luck! I think it's exciting that you're getting interviewed 6 times by them. You're a pro by now! It's also a good chance to see how you like them.

I'll keep my fingers crossed, but I'm sure you'll do great.

8:48 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

thanks guys.

8:04 PM  
Blogger tommy1939 said...

As Godfrey says "the only difference between a derelict and a man is a job." yeah, some difference. I'll buy you dinner if you promise to share your dunhills.

12:03 AM  

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