My Sewing Machine
I had hoped to get my sewing machine by Friday so I could start putting together pieces of fabric over this three day weekend. It's Memorial Weekend for those who are not currently living in the US. =) But sadly it's in transit. I actually missed it by a day. Rotten luck.
Usually when I order anything I have it shipped to my work. Since I don't have a doorman packages have a 50/50 chance of being received my ME. The other times someone else gets it. Unfortunately this time having it delivered to work caused me to not get my machine for the weekend. According to UPS tracking my machine was to be delivered today, Saturday. Well since the Ship To Address is a commercial address they wouldn't deliver on Saturday. If I'd had arranged to have it shipped to my home, I would have several bobbins threaded. Oh well guess that pleasure has to wait until Tuesday.
Hope your having a good holiday weekend.