A great two hours with a guy

Last Friday I had two great hours with a man.
Yes, it's been a while since I've enjoyed myself that much.
He was so attentive, strong but gentle and made me moan.
Before you get too excited I should tell you it wasn't a date.
There was no dinner/drinks and even though I was naked there was no sex.
I just had a very good massage. =)
Thanks to Hyun I got myself 105 minutes of great body massage at Bliss 49th.
It was heaven.
I'd forgotten how great it is to be pampered like that.
The warm wax feet massage was AMAZING. I felt like they were soaking in melted butter, so soothing.
He worked me good. I told him I had tension in my shoulders and neck. He made sure he got out all the knots.
The cream he used made my skin so smooth that even after a shower and a day I'm still silky soft.
Yes it was a good gift.
I have to remember to give myself one quarterly. So worth it.