Lena's visit Brooklyn!
Lena was here. Yeah~~~~
She came to turn her apartment over to Dennis since she won't be coming back to NYC until 2008/09. It was a wise decision and as a bonus I got to see her again. Actually this year I got to hang out with her more than usual since she stayed with me for two nights in Brooklyn. Before I couldn't have any guests except family cause our apartment was so tiny. Like poor people we shared three to a bed sometimes or have them sleep on the floor. Now we're the two bedroom apartment with large living and dining space can accommodate non-family guests. Yeah!
Lena stayed with me November 2-4.
I took Friday off from work so I could spend the day with her and help her move her stuff from her old place to my apartment cause it's closer to JFK. I only took one picture of our day. Unfortunately it's not the best (sorry Lena). The flash was too strong and makes her look like the scary Asian ghost. In real life she looked fabulous as usual. =) The diner is in my neighborhood near the Brooklyn Museum of Arts. Tom's. It's been there forever and have really yummy food for at good prices. It's like a real diner with home, comfort food. Did I mention they serve breakfast all day! Yeah it's good stuff. If you come to Brooklyn I'll take you there.

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