Monday, March 20, 2006

Thank You for Your Support

My dearest friends,
Thank you for all your support during my job search.
Your constant emails and phone calls touched me deeply.
You really, really love me.
I know I haven't been my fun self lately but that will change.
I have a job!

After almost two months of interviewing I have accepted a position at Capital (Dennis' company) this morning.
I was offer the position last Friday morning in the midst of St. Patty's parade -- Capital is on the parade route.
The base salary is below what I'd expected & hoped but with other considerations like their kickass benefits and bonuses, it's a good start. They assured me that the position has great potential for growth and depending on my performance (which you know I will blow their minds) I could and will be quickly promoted. It's promising to hear from my supervisor Nick that what he liked about me (besides my charm and beauty) is my obvious leadership skills and my strong desire to advance. (Nick didn't really say anything about my charm or beauty but we all know it's true. hehehehe) He did say that he wanted someone who could grow to be his counterpart and eventually capable of taking his job down the line.

I'm excited.
I really like the company.
I like the people I've met so far.
And I think I'll like the job as well.
Of course true bonus is being able to work with my friend Dennis every single day. =)
Oh the financial bonuses are nice too. =) I will be using it to pay for my photography.

Again, thanks for all your concern, support, prayer and love.
I'm lucky to have you all.


Blogger hshere said...

I was wondering what happened. That's great news. Congratulations!

5:57 PM  

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