Sunday, May 07, 2006


Can you believe it? It's already May. May 7th actually.
Wow, it's been over a month since my last entry.
I apologize for neglecting you, my friends. I know you are constantly coming to my blog for updates but finding nothing. I am sorry.

Well my excuse is the new job, it's spring, we working on the apartment, etc... You can pick whichever one that allows you to forgive me. =)

So what's going on with me?
Nothing much but I swear I've been really busy. Don't ask me with what. I don't remember anything. Every day is a blur. And it's not just you I've been neglecting. I've been neglecting everyone and everything. Oh, I was sick for a good two weeks. Sinusitus. This year's allergy season has been fierce. If you been watching the news you know I'm not making this one up. Well I'm one of the victim. It's so bad that I'm seeing an allergy specialist this Friday. Hopefully she'll give me some workable solution then buying Claritin every week. It's not only expensive but difficult to find. The shelves in Duane Reade and CVS are empty.

Work. Been working for 6 weeks now. It's good. The first few weeks I was a bit stressed out. Not knowing exactly what my responsibilities are and having to wait until I get training to do anything really substantial got my nerves on edge. As I've been saying to some people it's like knowing there will be a tsunami coming once I get those trainings. I didn't know what I was doing and it worried me. Also the culture of corporate world is very new to me. I've never been in it and it's quite foreign. Training? What's that? I've never got any proper/formal training in my life. Always learned on the job, on my feet. Lots of committees and meetings before starting anything. Again very foreign. I usually had an idea, proposed it to my one boss, get approval and then did it. Now I have to pitch my idea, check with various people, wait for approval, try it, get feedback and maybe continue or start the process again. But after two weeks and learning a little how to maneuver through the culture and starting on some of the projects, I started feeling better, a little more comfortable in my role.
More later...

Apartment. As you may or may not know, my sister Christina has bought an coop in Brooklyn. Since I'm living with her, I will be moving to Brooklyn as well. I want to move actually. I look forward to having a larger space. A living room AND a dining room. =) The apartment is charming. Eastern Parkway is a beautiful street. We're near the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and the art museum. The renovation started. We're doing the bathroom, kitchen and the floors. Currently we're in the demolition stage. Weekends have been taken by shopping for tiles, cabinets, fixtures and lighting. Hopefully we'll be done by June or July. When it's ready I'm going to throw my first of many dinner parties.

I'm gonna try and update this blog regularly.
Thanks for letting me know you're checking it and want more.
I'll try and not disappoint.


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