Jae's Wedding
This is late. I know.
The job thing really had me preoccupied but now that's over I can report on the rest of life. =)
So I went to my dearest friend Jae's wedding. It was on March 11, 2006.
As many of you know, it was a shocker.
Jae who claimed he would be okay as a life-long bachelor broke the record of fastest to the alter by someone I know.
He met his love-of-his-life Saehee in November at a new church he as checking out.
They were engaged in December.
Wedding was in two weeks ago.
Shocker especially if you know Jae. He's never impulsive though he is a romantic. Saehee got the latter out of him.
The wedding was lovely.
Everything was perfect. The bride and groom were perfect, even perfectly calm.
Jae, as you can see in the photos, was smiling ALL THE TIME. His friends were worried that it may become permanent. Never have I witness any man quite that happy. Of course, we were soooooo thrilled for him.
The ceremony was a nice sermon.
Reception was huge. They had tons of food served in traditional Korean buffet style. If you thought the line for Magnolia cupcake was long you have no idea. Luckily it was fast and everyone got to eat.
The highlight was when Lena sang "A Moment Like This" (Kelly Clarkson) for their first dance. It was beautiful.
Then we went to a local Korean/Japanese restaurant for after reception party. It was for Jae's friends to get crazy and silly since the reception was at church (no alcohol was served). Well it didn't get too crazy. Many drank but everyone behaved. No arrests.
Of course, Jae and Saehee won't remember anything from that day. Thank god for wedding photographers and friends with great memories. We'll tell them all about their wedding next time we see them.
I wished I took more pictures but the whole experience was kinda weird for me. Not the wedding but the reunion I was having with college friends whom I haven't seen in many years. A few I haven't seen since college which has been 10 years! I was way too preoccupied with catching up with people to take out my camera. Fortunately Lena remember to take pics once in a while and therefore reminded me to take a few shot. Here there are.

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