I am officially finish with B+S (aka Olive) as of today. I went to get my stuff and remove any items that may tie me to them. It's been a difficult time working there but unbelievably painful/hurtful/pissed off these last few days. My bosses MsA and MrB were complete ass----s.
Evidence #1 - They didn't take me out for lunch.
Four and a half years of service and I got 10 cupcakes that spelled "Cindy Merci" from her favorite cupcake place Cakes N' Shapes even though I've mentioned several times how I preferred Cupcake Cafe's. It was also done last minute cause they didn't tell me about it until 15 minutes before I was to leave. Oh they did offer to buy me lunch from our "favorite" lunch takeout place Pret-A-Manger. Hmm wondered if they were going to use the free lunch they get with their frequent buyer's card.
Evidence #2 - My parting gift.
Yes I should be happy that I got something. Yes it's a nice gift but first thing, it's only from MsA and not from both of them. It's clear MrB doesn't like me since I don't like doing the stupid things he would ask me like taking his son to his doctor's appointment on my day off. Secondly I think the gift is more about her than me. As everyone knows I'm going back to photography so wouldn't more appropriate to get me something to encourage that? A nice photo book would be great. A certificate from B&H even better. No MsA got me a Noguchi Akari Lamp. It's her favorite designer and she told me it's her favorite lamp of his. Great. Everytime I see it I'll remember how it's her favorite. This is as good as her Christmas gift, a small silver square tray from Moss (a high-end design store).
Evidence #3 - Taking my stuff home when it's convenient for me.
So I made arrangement to take my personal stuff out of the office over the weekend when I had help including a car. I already asked MsA who okayed the memo to weekend security. Then Fri morning she calls me to tell me she would "prefer" that I remove my stuff during office hours. I tell her it's very inconvenient to which she responded by repeating her preference. Yeah. Thanks a lot. Now I have to pay for a cab to take my stuff. Had I'd known earlier I could have removed slowly throughout the previous weeks. Huge slap on the face. Suddenly they can't trust me? All those years I had complete access even to their home when they were away in Europe. But now that I'm no longer an employee, sorry. Totally lame.
Evidence #4 - just in case I decide to come back?
Today I went with Haesun to get my stuff out during her preferred hours. I arrive and noticed that they are changing locks to the office. I guess returning my keys isn't insurance enough. It's true I could have made copies and plan to come back and do damage. Never mind that they already took my name off the security list.
Good riddance. Hate to work in an environment where they treat you like family while employed but criminals once you're not longer being employed.
Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty I'm free at last.