Bored with unpacking
Our downstairs' neighbor, who moved only a few weeks before we did, said that to us yesterday. He's "bored" with unpacking. I believe my sister also agrees. I, however, am not yet bored but I am very, very exhausted. I didn't think there was something beyond exhaustion until this weekend. I realize that I've surpassed this stage because it's still not yet done. It feels like there is no end and there probably isn't. There will always be improvements big at first and little continuously.
There's definitely progress.
Our contractor is almost finished. He has a few last retouches.
We're waiting for last piece of furniture, our sofa, to be delivered. Due date 9/9/06.
We still have tons of trash to take out since we just went to Ikea, The Container Store and Home Depot. We aren't finished either. We forgot a few things.
I will take pictures and post it, I promise.
But right now you'll have to excuse me. I'm just too tired.
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