No I didn't get married.
Just referring to my first few days at the new job.
Capital and I are in bliss.
Capital is thrilled to have me. They see potential. They see possibilities.
If only they knew what they were getting. Too bad. Too late. They already requested my business card.
I am also very pleased.
It's been easy. It's been nice.
I started on Wed, March 29th. I'd figure it would be easier for me if I started mid-week. That way I wouldn't feel overwhelmed and end-up wishing it was Friday. Three days would be easier than 5.
I think it worked cause my boss schedule my three days very lightly.
It started with a tour of the company and introduction to employees. Everybody. Everybody who was available during the tour. Some I haven't met yet cause they're out of town or just out of their seats. I've met a few more in the following days. The rest of my day was filled with trainings or meeting to review what I've done/learned.
I felt a bit guilty at the end of each day cause I felt like I wasn't working.
This situation is so foreign to me. Every job I've ever taken, I worked immediately with usually no training. It was either swim or sink case. I could have qualified for the Olympic swim team by now. =)
This orientation period is even stranger to me cause the training so far has been computer related. I was trained on using email, calendar, database and phone? I'm being trained on areas I used to train other people. Funny thing is that I could have been bored and frustrated but I haven't been. The people training have been very profession, warm and extremely knowledgeable. I actually learned a few pointers that will save me some time. Nice.
Another strange aspect is all the meetings I'm having just to talk to managers of various departments/teams. Nick, my boss, feels it would be beneficial for me to learn what people/dept do from themselves so I can work better/well with them. Unheard of, I know but it's true.
I keep thinking they will throw me into work soon but they keep insisting I give myself a few weeks, even up to couple of months to train and get familiarized. They are willing to give me that time, wait until I'm ready. Can you believe it? The whole thing makes me a little nervous BUT I'm trying to stop my impulse to just jump in. I'm trying to enjoy the supportive environment and their gift of patience. I know I will be better for it in the long run.
Wow how my work environment has changed. After my past experiences I think I can really appreciate such nurturing company. I think I will be very happy there.
Of course this IS the honeymoon stage. I'm sure when it gets busy I'll look back and kick myself for not enjoying as much. I am a bit worried about what I will be doing eventually. Right now they are hinting at the various duties I'll be given. All sounds fine on presentation but not sure how much of effort and energy each will take. I might end up overwhelmed which is not the plan. Remember my goal is to find something stable and comfortable so I can concentrate on PHOTOGRAPHY. I have to remind myself that this is my second job. Please remind me time from time.
Thank you again for all your support and positive energy.
I'll keep you posted.